We specialise in
preparation and recovery.
Leaving you to specialise in motherhood.
Mummy Matters! Because mummies matter…
It is very common post pregnancy and delivery for women to experience weakness in their pelvic floor and abdominal muscles - in fact if they are not addressed they can persist for years. Pelvic and back pain, bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction can develop due to poor core strength as a result of a gap in the tummy muscles
(diastasis recti) or a weak pelvic floor. These conditions whilst common are NOT NORMAL and should not be considered as an acceptable trade off for having a baby.
What is a Mummy Matters Check?
A comprehensive assessment including:
• Full postural screen
• Pelvic floor muscle assessment
• Real Time Ultrasound Abdominal muscle exam to check for any separation
• Screening for any bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
• A detailed individualised treatment plan and return to exercise advice
If you are 6-8wks post delivery and have had your GP check - then this is the next step for you! Of course even if you had your babies years ago you can still benefit from a Mummy Matters check!